The Institute of Law, Politics and Development (DIRPOLIS) of the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies is a research center devoted to interdisciplinary studies in the fields of law, economics and political science. Its core mission is to conduct innovative research by adopting a multidisciplinary approach to offer a comprehensive and multi-faceted representation of legal, social, economic and political phenomena. The Institute strives to provide scientifically sound and action-oriented bases to effective decision-making processes, at both private and public levels. The Institute offers graduate and post-graduate courses built upon theoretical and applied research. It also organizes advanced-level training events aimed at professionals wishing to acquire new skills and knowledge in their respective fields of work.
Team members:
- David Natali: Full Professor at the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (DIRPOLIS Institute)
- Emmanuele Pavolini: Full Professor at the University of Macerata and Associate Professor at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (DIRPOLIS Institute)
- Andrea Terlizzi: Postdoctoral Researcher at the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (DIRPOLIS Institute)